GSI-Gesellschaft fürSchweißtechnikInternational mbH
The GSI-Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH is a non-profit making company that works neutrally for individuals, small trades, industrial companies, public authorities and research bodies. It is an amalgamation of high-performance bodies with over 80 years of experience in joining, separation and testing technology. The goal of GSI is joint training and consultation as well as national and international technology transfer.
VISCHERS has been managing the development of a web app for GSI since 2017. The web-based application should primarily simplify registration for seminars and courses and additionally offer a welding inspection generator. The ILIAS e-learning platform is also integrated within the web app.
The web app will be presented for the first time at the “Schweißen & Schneiden” trade show in Düsseldorf in September.
Agency Services
- Concepting and designing the web app
- Conceptual and technical consultation in exchange with GSI’s IT department.
- Development of the web app with the mobile-first approach based on React
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